* Exposition Agnès Geoffray au FRAC Auvergne

FRAC Auvergne
Jusqu’au 6 septembre 2020



Les images ont un pouvoir immense, une puissance de vérité et de falsification indiscutable. Agnès Geoffray réfléchit continuellement au statut de l’image, à son potentiel fictionnel. Bien que photographe, elle utilise des iconographies en récupérant des images d’archives dont elle n’est pas l’auteur et leur apporte quelques subtiles modifications. Elle les ajuste ou les retouche à sa manière et livre ainsi des œuvres belles, parfois inquiétantes, soulignant la manipulation possible de l’homme par la photo. Ces images, patchworks de plusieurs œuvres, sont empreintes d’une poésie singulière. Elle présente également des œuvres sans images où le texte s’est substitué à la photo, une façon de produire des images sans image.

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CAPTION: Procession of Nuns. Rangoon, Burma/Myanmar, 1994.


"Each day these nuns walked a circuit around the city. McCurry asked if he could walk with them to make photographs. With their consent, he accompanied them for several days, searching for the best light and location. Even without their presence, this residential area could make a colourful image. With their presence, McCurry deliberately sought a rainy day in order to have some control over the level of color in the image. The line of their parasols echoes the yellow horizontal and creates the commentary of an adjacent hue upon the red brick."
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Nuns in Yangon, Myanmar also rely on the local comunity- as did the Buddha himself.

Pictures can offer themselves up to you - but only if you have patience. McCurry asked these nuns if he could follow them on their daily walk around the city. He trailed them for several days until, with rain falling and a brightly coloured building as a fitting backdrop, he captured this graceful image.

National Geographic, Perry Garfinkel (December 2005). Buddha Rising: Out of the monastery, into the living room. National Geographic vol. 208(6) 88-109

Procession of nuns, Rangoon, Burma, 1994. Pg 212-213, Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs.

Rangoon, Burma, 1994 (South Southeast, pg. 53)
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