Un parfum de bonheur - Alain Laboile et France Demay

Jusqu'au 4 mars 2017
MAC Créteil //

L’espoir d’une vie meilleure est un objectif qui relie les photographes France Demay et Alain Laboile bien qu’ils n’appartiennent pas à la même époque. Le premier capte avec brio les instants de bonheur des ouvriers parisiens inscrits dans les clubs sportifs préparant avec passion les jeux olympiques de 1936 et découvrant la joie des congés payés. Le second nous fait entrer dans l’intimité de sa propre famille qu’il photographie avec émotion. Il documente ainsi la fougue et la liberté de l’enfance qui s’exprime sans barrières dans des jeux en plein air, pouvant ainsi crier, courir, chanter et sauter à n’en plus pouvoir. Assurément une exposition qui fait du bien, qui nous affranchit de la pesanteur quotidienne et qui nous rappelle que l’Homme est fait pour aspirer au bonheur, malgré tout.

Alain Laboile started observing and snapping shots of his children's carefree games from his shed on an isolated piece of land in the south of France. France Demay in the other hand caught the passion of parisian workers who were discovering paid vacation and training for the Olympic  games in 1936. This beautiful exhibit acts like an elixir of life !

Reservoir Chickens ® Alain Laboile

En attendant le facteur ® Alain Laboile

MAC Créteil
Jusqu’au 4 mars 2017
1 place Salvador Allende, 94000 - M° Créteil Préfecture (8)

Du mardi au samedi de 13h à 18h30
Fermé le dimanche, lundi et les samedis 11 et 18 février
Entrée libre

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"Each day these nuns walked a circuit around the city. McCurry asked if he could walk with them to make photographs. With their consent, he accompanied them for several days, searching for the best light and location. Even without their presence, this residential area could make a colourful image. With their presence, McCurry deliberately sought a rainy day in order to have some control over the level of color in the image. The line of their parasols echoes the yellow horizontal and creates the commentary of an adjacent hue upon the red brick."
Bannon, Anthony. (2005). Steve McCurry. New York: Phaidon Press Inc, 29.

Phaidon, Iconic Images, final book_iconic, page 8.

Nuns in Yangon, Myanmar also rely on the local comunity- as did the Buddha himself.

Pictures can offer themselves up to you - but only if you have patience. McCurry asked these nuns if he could follow them on their daily walk around the city. He trailed them for several days until, with rain falling and a brightly coloured building as a fitting backdrop, he captured this graceful image.

National Geographic, Perry Garfinkel (December 2005). Buddha Rising: Out of the monastery, into the living room. National Geographic vol. 208(6) 88-109

Procession of nuns, Rangoon, Burma, 1994. Pg 212-213, Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs.

Rangoon, Burma, 1994 (South Southeast, pg. 53)
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