Festival Circulation(s) - Place à la jeune photographie

Jusqu'au 5 mars 2017 -
Le Centquatre Paris //


Enfin la nouvelle édition du premier festival de photographie à Paris commence ! Dédiée à la jeune photographie européenne, cette manifestation propose pour la septième année consécutive un regard croisé sur l’Europe à travers la photographie. Mais au delà de ce qui vous y verrez, qui est toujours de grande qualité, ce festival représente aussi l’occasion de stimuler les pratiques, les pensées et les échanges en lien avec ce médium. Ici, on refait le monde et on aime ça ! Quarante-sept photographes ont été sélectionnés par un jury composé de professionnels de l’image, un studio photo est mis à disposition du public, se tient une exposition entièrement dédiée au jeune public, diverses lectures auront lieu ainsi qu’une soirée anti saint valentin ! Bref, nous ne sommes pas au bout de nos surprises photographiques !

The Circulation(s) festival is the most original and ambitious project in contemporary photography. It is dedicated to the European photographic diversity and it aims to discover new talents. Both a springboard for young photographers and a laboratory of contemporary creativity, the festival occupies a specific place in the French and international photographic field, attracting a constantly growing audience. It is the only photo festival in Paris!

Le Centquatre
Jusqu’au 5 mars 2017
5 rue Curial, 75019 - M° Riquet (7)
Du mercredi au vendredi de 14h à 19h et le week-end de 12h à 19h
Fermé le lundi et le mardi
Tarif : 5€ - Tarif réduit : 3€

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CAPTION: Procession of Nuns. Rangoon, Burma/Myanmar, 1994.


"Each day these nuns walked a circuit around the city. McCurry asked if he could walk with them to make photographs. With their consent, he accompanied them for several days, searching for the best light and location. Even without their presence, this residential area could make a colourful image. With their presence, McCurry deliberately sought a rainy day in order to have some control over the level of color in the image. The line of their parasols echoes the yellow horizontal and creates the commentary of an adjacent hue upon the red brick."
Bannon, Anthony. (2005). Steve McCurry. New York: Phaidon Press Inc, 29.

Phaidon, Iconic Images, final book_iconic, page 8.

Nuns in Yangon, Myanmar also rely on the local comunity- as did the Buddha himself.

Pictures can offer themselves up to you - but only if you have patience. McCurry asked these nuns if he could follow them on their daily walk around the city. He trailed them for several days until, with rain falling and a brightly coloured building as a fitting backdrop, he captured this graceful image.

National Geographic, Perry Garfinkel (December 2005). Buddha Rising: Out of the monastery, into the living room. National Geographic vol. 208(6) 88-109

Procession of nuns, Rangoon, Burma, 1994. Pg 212-213, Untold: The Stories Behind the Photographs.

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